African Drumming Workshops

African drumming workshops are immersive experiences that introduce participants to the rhythms and techniques of traditional African drumming. These workshops typically include hands-on instruction, demonstrations, and opportunities for participants to play along with other drummers. Through these workshops, participants can deepen their understanding of African music and culture while improving their own drumming skills.

What is African Drumming

African drumming has been found to have numerous health benefits. Here are some of them:

  1. Reduces stress: African drumming has been shown to reduce stress and anxiety levels. The
    rhythmic patterns of drumming can have a calming effect on the mind and body, leading to
    decreased levels of the stress hormone cortisol.
  2. Boosts the immune system: Drumming has been found to increase the production of natural
    killer cells, which are responsible for attacking viruses and cancer cells.
  3. Improves focus and concentration: Drumming requires focus and concentration, which can
    improve cognitive function and attention span.
  4. Enhances coordination: African drumming involves using different parts of the body
    simultaneously, which can improve hand-eye coordination and overall motor skills.
  5. Provides a sense of community: Drumming is often done in groups and can provide a sense
    of belonging and social connection, which can have a positive impact on mental health.
  6. Increases physical activity: African drumming is a physical activity that can provide a
    cardiovascular workout, improving overall fitness and endurance.
  7. Provides a creative outlet: African drumming allows for self-expression and creativity, which
    can improve overall well-being and mental health.
    Overall, African drumming can have a positive impact on both physical and mental health, making it
    a great activity for people of all ages and abilities.

Listening to African drumming can also have health benefits, including:

  1. Reducing stress and anxiety: The rhythms and beats of African drumming can have a
    calming effect on the mind and body, reducing stress and anxiety levels.
  2. Improving mood: Listening to music, including African drumming, can stimulate the release of
    dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with pleasure and reward, which can improve
    mood and overall well-being.
  3. Enhancing cognitive function: Listening to music, particularly complex and rhythmically
    engaging music like African drumming, has been shown to improve cognitive function,
    including memory, attention, and processing speed.
  4. Providing a sense of cultural connection: Listening to African drumming can help to connect
    people to their cultural roots and provide a sense of identity and belonging.
  5. Promoting relaxation and sleep: Listening to soothing music, such as African drumming, can
    help to promote relaxation and improve sleep quality.
    Overall, listening to African drumming can provide a range of health benefits, from reducing stress
    and anxiety to enhancing cognitive function and promoting relaxation.

Services offered per session
Benefits for Participants

African Drumming – Instructional interactive group rhythmic drumming, using African &
Caribbean music for stress and anxiety release.
African Caribbean Drumming Performances – Relax and listen to African Caribbean rhythms that
relax and transform your mood, take you into meditation or uplifts and inspire your spirit.

Benefits for community organizations

  1. Added health & wellness programming
  2. Added community engagement
  3. Access to natural health & wellness program facilitation
  4. Strategic program planning partnership
  5. Access to age and culturally appropriate programing
  6. Options for in person or online facilitation
  7. Access to drums and other musical equipment for programs

Facilitation Costs

Your event or program budget is $
Including H.S.T & travel costs (If Applicable)

for more information

Email Us –
Call us at (647) 465-9490